•5,227 reviews11.9
Create. Learn. Share. Domestika is the largest online community for creatives with courses from leading industry professionals.
Opportunity Score100%
Quizlet: Digital flashcards and online study tools
•531 reviews9.0
Quizlet is a lightning fast way to memorize vocabulary lists. It's like flashcards, but much more fun and interactive.
Opportunity Score90%
•838 reviews3.2
Turito is a Revolutionary E-Learning platform launched to make Quality Online Education easily available to every student. Turito offers Online Coaching for all kinds of competitive exams such as SAT, ACT, PSAT, Subjective SAT & APs for 5th to 12th-grade students along with complete guidance in the college application process for admissions into Top Ivy league colleges.
Opportunity Score32%
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