Talkiatry offers human, virtual mental health care from doctors who take insurance. If you need support, you can contact us via
At Thriveworks, you can get therapy online & in person. We offer individual therapy (for kids, teens, & adults), couples & marriage counseling, psychiatry by video in many states, and more—and we accept most insurances. Choose your ideal provider and start therapy within 3-5 days.Our licensed providers create personalized treatment plans for challenges like anxiety and depression. Our support team is available with extended hours to help book an appointment, or you can book online.Established in 2008, Thriveworks is a leading mental health provider working to make therapy better for everyone. We provide best-practice care & foster a supportive environment our clinicians can thrive in.
Done. allows anyone with ADHD to receive the help they need and live up to their fullest potential. We provide awareness and education for people to learn more about ADHD, confidential and accurate medical diagnosis through telehealth, and actionable ways to receive timely and convenient treatment. Through our holistic approach to ADHD, we are committed to ensuring no one is left behind.
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